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Archive for September, 2008

sharpie-decorated basement

Really cool. Check out the 360-degree photo.

hometown pride

Madison is featured on d*s today!

a few things

  1. This shirt made me smile this morning, and it also made me think of Jodi.
  2. Kim sold a greeting card to Jonah Hill. She lives in LA now, so opportunities to rub shoulders with celebrities happen far more often than they do in Madison. (And needless to say, more often than they would in Somonauk, IL.) Her creations are available to us little people, too!
  3. Heroes last night was all kinds of awesome. I’m even willing to overlook some of last week’s continuity problems because sort-of-good Sylar rocks so very hard. Plus, Mama Petrelli “feeding” her child? Deliciously evil!
  4. I don’t want to speak too soon, but I think the dizziness that has plagued me for the past two weeks is subsiding.
  5. Flock is really slow lately. I’ve been using Chrome, and I love that it doesn’t crash like Firefox does, but I miss all the extensions. I hope Google hurries up and (a) releases a Mac version of Chrome, (b) creates an email checker.

what a relief

Charge dropped against man accused of passing gas

spine tingling!

Spine tingling stories.

Found at Mincing Mockingbird.

quick update

So, about a week and a half ago, I ran out of the psych meds. Usually it’s no problem to get a refill approved, but this time it had been a whole year since I had been to see the shrink man in person. Seriously, where does the time go? Anyway, by the time I found out it wasn’t approved, I had been off for almost three days and already endured the headache and nausea. After serious thought I decided to not get the refill. I’ll still go see the shrink man, but I want to wait a few weeks to see how things go.

Right now the worst part is that I tend to get dizzy periodically. Mainly at night. Otherwise it’s not bad. The anxiety itself is fine, although part of me is worried that I’m going to get depressed. Weird, eh? My best weapon for keeping on an even keel is physical activity.

Coincidentally, the non-refilled prescription happened a few days after I re-joined the Y. I’ve been there 9 times in the past 11 days. I’m in terrible shape, but that’s okay as long as I keep moving. I alternate between swimming, where I gamely try to keep up with the 70-year-olds in the next lanes, and using the elliptical trainer, which makes me sweat a lot.

In other news, I have shorter hair. I’m knitting Cassidy. I have a new bag and another bag to go inside it.


Too cute for barks.

much better, thanks

Wednesday was painful, but Thursday was better. Today I’m walking pretty normally. Our chiropractor must be a miracle worker. Maybe I’ll be able to sign up at the Y this weekend. (I won’t be doing any running, though.)

In other news, it’s kirtan night. And there was an appalling lack of communication between my kids after school today. Missed calls, unheard messages, and so on. I’m glad I had to store Peter’s friends’ phone numbers in my cell phone last year, because they have already come in handy. What good is it if my kids have cell phones, but keep the ringer on “silent”—or don’t bother to turn them on in the first place?

I’m happy it’s the weekend.

not so hip

I felt a little soreness in my left hip last night, but chalked it up to sitting in one place for too long. This morning, though, it was full-blown pain. The kind where it hurts to put any weight on my left leg, so I hobble around pitiably as if I’m 50 years older than I really am.

I went directly to the chiropractor, but that only did so much. I’m pretty immobilized. Now I have an idea what my dog goes through. (Here’s hoping she doesn’t have all this pain, though.)

It’s not as if I’ve done any triathlons lately, so I have no idea what caused all this. Sadly, it hurts even to lie down. I am the opposite of entertaining today.

post-olympic garage sale

Today was our second try at having a garage sale. Pete and I did some serious garage cleaning during the Olympics, and found many items which potentially could be attractive to budget-minded strangers. So we set up a sale last Saturday, but ran into a problem. Labor Day weekend. Slow traffic.

It was no big deal to store everything for another week. Good decision, because today was much better. Between the four of us (including the kids) we made over $100 and sold some very junky, bulky stuff. The weather couldn’t have been nicer for sitting around and shooting the breeze with customers.

We hauled the leftovers off to St. Vincent de Paul, so now our garage is much less cluttered and messy. Our basement is much improved, too. I actually accomplished my summer home improvement goals: painting the upstairs, getting bookshelves for the basement, de-cluttering, and having a garage sale.

Don’t I deserve a new t-shirt? I’m kind of in love with this one. This one, too. I’m seriously thinking about spending some of my newly earned cash.
