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fireworks, my birthday, and other stuff

I’m officially another year older, although I always start thinking of myself as my new age way before my birthday. So it’s not too traumatic or anything. I’m still eager to have my hair turn completely grey/white. Anyway, we celebrated at the in-laws’ because Sister #3 and Moon both have early July birthdays, and Saturday worked out for scheduling a family party. Got some awesome presents: sock yarn, Simply Sensational Socks, Freaks and Geeks, the Complete Series on DVD, Dosha Yoga DVD, some $$ and a Starbucks card. The next day, Pete and the kids gave me an awesome laptop bag combo, a stitch marker necklace, a sheep cell phone charm and a embroidery pattern with monkeys on it. I’m feeling quite gifted!

Sister #3 came back to Madison with us to see Rhythm and Booms Saturday, but it ended up being rescheduled for Sunday. She spent the night and we played games together. (She’s quite the Snorta champion.) After church on Sunday, she and I went shopping for hiking boots, as she is going on a backpacking trip at the end of the month. (A week on a trail in southern California.) She ended up getting an incredible deal at the REI scratch-and-dent sale: hiking boots, water shoes, hiking shoes, shorts, pants, insoles, two sock liners, one pair of socks, a freeze-dried apple crisp AND her REI membership for about $140, which is less than the boots alone would have cost new.

She had to leave after that, but Pete, Peter and I decided to try and see the fireworks anyway. We drove close to Warner Park and found a place along a residential street where we could see almost everything. The advantage was that we were able to get home within about 15 minutes, whereas the people who parked at the park had to wait until midnight before they could even start to leave.

Pete has the week off, so we’re kinda-sorta on vacation. We’re hanging at home, and I’m doing a little work, but for the most part it’s relaxation time. Tonight there are more fireworks at Elver Park. Not as big as Rhythm and Booms, of course, but still fun.