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laptop bag!

This will get me by until I have something fancier. I finished it in less than a week, and the price was right.

Laptop bag, pre-felting

The before picture. I used four colors of Brown Sheep Lamb’s Pride, one skein of each. The finished bag was so huge, I didn’t think it would possibly shrink enough. I’ve felted knits before, but it still seemed like too much fabric. I started out making a medium bag, but switched to small in progress.

Laptop bag, after felting

After the wash. Not bad! The bag is a little oversized, but it’ll definitely work. And it’s fuzzy. I like that.

I had enough yarn left over to make a little felted pouch for my mouse or adapter. I can either make a drawstring for it, or fasten it with a button. (I’m leaning toward the button.)

Now I’m working on my blue ponchette and a Mason-Dixon Knitting inspired rag rug.