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good things, bad things

We’ll start with the baddest bad thing: My wonderful MIL was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. She didn’t want to tell any of us kids, but Sister #3 convinced her that we needed to know. (She’s living with her parents right now, and has the added advantage of being a physicians’ assistant … so when she has an opinion about health stuff, people listen.) Although mom has a admirably positive attitude, she didn’t offer up much information. Sis #3 did some detective work and translated.

The tumor is less than 1 centimeter in size, and it’s considered Stage 1 cancer. (This is a good thing.) After MIL/FIL/Sis#3 return from the cruise they’re taking next week, mom will have a lumpectomy. The fact that the doctors are allowing the trip is another good thing. There will be radiation, but possibly no chemo. However, the tumor is invasive (bad) so we won’t know until after the surgery.

I want to point out here that mom is an active, young-for-her-age kind of gal, with virtually no risk factors that we are aware of. We’re all kind of freaking out in our own special ways, but we also have the comfort of knowing how strong and upbeat she is … which can only be good.

Girl cousins

Another good thing: Sister #4’s new baby, Riona (I’ve decided I can’t keep these names to myself anymore), was baptized on Saturday. In the picture at right, which was actually taken the following day, Sis#2’s daughter Ambria is holding her. Who could be sad with all these beautiful children around? My in-laws have nine grandchildren around, which translates into seven nieces/nephews for SpiritMan and I to play with.

On Sunday, we had our fall birthday celebration for Sis#1 and her lovely husband, who were born four weeks apart. Click here to see a photo of Ambria’s 11-month-old brother Camden, who reminds me so much of Turbo at that age that it brings tears to my eyes. (Just imagine brown hair and no upper teeth. Moon was our redhead.)

A minor bad thing: I think I picked up a bug. My nose stuffed up yesterday, and then started running during Moon’s orchestra concert last night. I only slept a few hours before hauling myself out of bed for step aerobics at 6 a.m. So I decided to stay home from work after doing my morning dropoff at the high school. A deep and satisfying 4 additional hours of dream-filled slumber is most definitely a good thing.

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