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i want to remember this part of life

…but I haven’t been writing about it, and that’s a problem. So many thoughts have been swirling around in my head, I can hardly put them in any coherent order. The other thing is that a lot of my concentration has been devoted to parenting stuff lately. How does one write about those things when the kids being parented are old enough to care about what’s being written? It was a lot easier when the issues had to do with sleeping, eating and bowel movements. And fussing.

Well, they still fuss sometimes, but it’s different now. More heart-rending. Truth be told, the older the kids get, the more intense the emotional stuff gets, too. We have more fun. They make me laugh harder. Our conversations are even more interesting. It makes sense that their worries are more worrisome, and their hurts are more painful.

There’s other stuff going on, but I want to take pictures. (That, my friends, can mean only two things. Knitting. Nature.) Stay tuned.

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