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seeing sea world

SpiritMan's joy

Huzzah for touristy adventure! We called a cab Monday morning and arrived right when the doors were opening. We were able to take the behind-the-scenes tour, and I signed Pete and the kids up for a Dolphin Encounter. The name makes it sound like some wacky kind of therapy, but it’s actually an opportunity to pet, feed and work with trained dolphins without having to don a wetsuit or get into the water. This was actually one of Pete’s goals when we were choosing a destination.

There are many, many shows at Sea World, and we took in quite a few of them. The children were especially enamoured of the sea lions, which reminded them of Foxxi with their barking and their begging for food. I bought a tray of raw fish for them. (The sea lions, not the kids.) Pete talked Moon and I into purchasing hats (well, mine was a visor) after noticing that we were turning pink. It was too late, though. Moon’s face, arms and hands were thoroughly sunburned, and I had an impressive dose of redness as well. We returned to the hotel in time to slather ourselves in aloe vera and watch the finale of Hell’s Kitchen.

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