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another trip to the in-laws’

Nephew #2b
Originally uploaded by his proud auntie.

… and as soon as Nephew #4 saw Pete, he shrieked “yayyyyyyyyyy!” and jumped into his arms. It was a bit hot for outdoor activity, but there were games of catch to be played, and walks to the woods to be taken. I didn’t do any of that stuff, of course. I would have melted. But I did proceed to the ribbing of my One Skein Wonder, and we played a nice game (indoors, yes!) of Apples to Apples.

Anyway, as I gaze upon the chicken-and-apple stained face of my youngest nephew, I wonder whether it would make sense to just go ahead and use his actual name. Even I get confused by the numbering system sometimes. I mean, Jodi talks about her nieces and nephews without fear of non-anonymity. And some of their names are as unusual as the ones in our family.

What do you think? The boy in the picture, he shares his name with a city in New Jersey.