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sunday fun day, freaky week

Birthdays at the in-laws’ are always fun, and lord knows I needed a break. Work is filled with drama and trauma. Of course that’s all I can really say about it. Just trust me on that.

Anyway, Moon and I taught the sisters how to play Blink and there was much laughter. I think we nearly sent Sister #4 into labor, because she was so thrilled to beat Moon at the game. The nieces were interested in what we were doing, so I played a slower version with them. Niece #2 said, “I love this game so much.” Niece #1 is a year older and caught on more quickly, and Niece #2 started to get frustrated. So #1 would say, “Let’s play again, and we’ll go really REALLY slow this time.”

And then of course she’d get competitive and end up winning.

Fun stuff, really. My old (as in long-term) buddy Deb was there, too, which just added to the fun.