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This week has been almost too crazy for words. First, our phone was disconnected. Why? Because when we cancelled Vonage, and were assured that we didn’t need to do anything else, our transfer of service apparently went through anyway. Which means that a month later (Monday, to be exact), we lost our service and our phone number.

Several phone calls (using the cell, of course) later, we found out that we could only get our number back if we (1) signed up with Vonage again, (2) achieved a dial tone with them, and (3) transferred our service back to our regular phone company. Sorry, we’re not willing to do that. Four days without service is enough.

Naturally, Pete relies on the phone for his life coaching activities. Since he needed to be on a regular line for his Tuesday night teleclass, he went to the office and used our calling card. Peter and I went to pick him up and arrived early… and were flagged down by a woman who had run out of gas on the road we call the Beltline. She had climbed a fence to get to where we were. We took her to a gas station and back to her car. I’m making it sound much less complicated than it actually was, but suffice it to say we took our lives into our hands trying to get that gallon of gas into her tank.

Bizarre. But serendipitous. (Watch out, I’m trying to spell the big words here.) The dead phone…the class…the early arrival…meant that we were there to help someone in need. It was all quite surreal.

And my boss resigned today.