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i’m back and yada yada

Didja miss me? The site was down for a while — I found out this morning, and contacted my service provider. And it’s fixed now, so I can update you on all the fascinating stuff going on.

  • It snowed. Substantially. Enough for us to make a point of frolicking in the park with our pup on Sunday. At least it’s sunny. Otherwise I might sink into a horrible funk due to the February-ness of it all.
  • Sunday also marked an event in the life of Sister #1. Niece #1 had been suffering flu-like symptoms which turned out to be appendicitis symptoms. She’s in the hospital, recovering nicely from her appendectomy. She even removed her own feeding tube (or whatever that tube going down her esophagus was supposed to be) and claimed that “it fell out.” Now, that’s feisty.
  • I took Moon and Nicole to see Constantine, and while I enjoyed it (hey, I’m a Keanu fan, so pfft), I found it to be a bit dark. Dark is fine when my brain chemistry isn’t in adjustment. As it was, I needed a palate-cleansing, but unfortunately I didn’t have time to rent The Waterboy or anything else in that genre. (Of course you know that most Adam Sandler stuff is all about the light.)
  • I’m really loving my new armwarmers, which are thisclose to being finished.

And so on.