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more fuzzyfeet!

Fuzzyfeet for Sis#1
Fuzzyfeet for Sis#1
Originally uploaded by me.

I feel like less of a slacker when I can post a picture of a FO. Actually, I took the picture a few days ago, right before mailing the Fuzzyfeet off to Sister #1. They arrived today, so now I can reveal them to the world.

In other knitting news, I’ve cast on for the Hurry Up Spring Armwarmers from Stitch ‘n Bitch Nation. Also, my ubercute sushi knitting bag isn’t working out too well in this weather, so I’ve put it aside until the slush subsides. It has to work as my purse, which means exposure to the elements. In the meantime, I’ve dug out my old Timbuk2 bag. I’m such a bagaholic.

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