inicio mail me! sindicaci;ón

saturday, in the park

Originally uploaded by me.

Moon and I took Foxxi for a walk this afternoon, and the sunshine was a welcome sight. The puddles were another story, but hey.

Let me tell you, withdrawal from Clomipramine is no picnic. After two weeks, the dizziness and nausea seem to have subsided. My emotions seem to be settling down, too. Timing this decision to coincide with my period was a master stroke of genius on my part. Yesterday I had a series of crying jags, and I think Pete was a little surprised when I picked him up for his Red Cross* appointment with tears streaming down my face and the sound of futility in my voice. Of course he was very good about the whole thing.

Fortunately, I had a lunch date with Carrie, and that helped brighten my spirits. I got to check out her new office and catch up with what’s been going on in her life. And it gave me a chance to step outside my own stuff for a while.

Today I spent several hours at the salon, which is always a good thing. My hair is shorter in the back, and I posted a terrible picture that doesn’t really show the cut very well, but you can peek at it anyway. In other news, I picked up additional yarn for Sis #1’s Fuzzyfeet and started my mom’s novelty yarn scarf.