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update from limbo land

I neglected to mention that I ran out of my OCD meds on Friday, and decided that it was time to go solo again. I’ve been on the tiniest possible dose for what seems like forever. I’m not a severe case anyway, and I’m ready for this. Thing is, any time you go off something that messes with seratonin levels, there are side effects. Long story short, dizziness and nausea have been my companions since… oh… Sunday. Soon I’m gonna feel great, though. Really.

So last night, I watched Love Actually and worked on Peter’s Fuzzy Feet, AKA Grinch Feet. (Slipper #1 turned out really long — I was using instructions for a yarn that felts more than Lamb’s Pride — and after obsessing about it for a while I decided not to frog the toe and start over.) Good movie, but a little hard to follow. What was the deal with the woman who had the hottie in her bed, but was interrupted by the phone call from her institutionalized brother? Why didn’t she and the hottie end up together? Or did my lack of seratonin cause me to miss something? I also wanted a more romantic resolution for Snape and Trelawney (I mean Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson). Someone fill me in here.

Falling asleep was rough because I started reading Ann Patchett’s Truth and Beauty and didn’t put it down until about 1:30 a.m. Then I had some weirdness with my heart pounding (seratonin stuff again). I slept an extra hour this morning, but then our Amazing Builder Guy (remember him?) arrived and started removing the basement window from the outside of the house. Yes — the last step to our remodeling project, besides going through the pile o’crap in the storage area and bringing stuff out into the open again.

Besides all that, Pete’s at a dead end setting up his new computer system / recording studio, and is FedEx-ing everything back for reconfiguration. I’m expecting that soon the clouds will part, a ray of sunshine will illuminate our house, and all will resolve.