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manual labor

Skull bag in progress
Originally uploaded by me.

For Pete, stain and varnish. For me, cleanup week at the Campus. And knitting. I’m learning a lot working on the skull bag. I found out that bobbins really do help sort out the huge tangle of yarn on the reverse side of an intarsia project. And I think I’m changing colors correctly. (We’ll find out when the piece is felted, I guess.)

The kids are getting a wee bit stir crazy at home. Today it’s raining, which is leaving a nice thin sheet of ice on all the sidewalks and streets. I hope we can spent our New Year’s Eve vegging out on the sofa (like the kids have been doing all week) and eating (like we all have been doing all month).

Moon wants to get Chinese food tomorrow and eat it out of the take-out cartons, like they do in the movies.