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the post-christmas post

Presents for me!
Originally uploaded by me.

All in all, it was a pretty awesome Christmas. With all the shopping miracles (and not just the ones I’ve already documented), how could it not be? We finished our baking on Christmas Eve, with a break for tofurky in the afternoon. We went to see the holiday lights before church.

On Christmas morning, we awoke and flung open the blinds to discover that it was snowing. Pristine, fluffy snow. Gorgeous. After presents and a mishap involving a large box of Nerds candies (which Peter had picked up by the wrong end, instantly distributing tiny sugar pebbles ALL OVER the living room and kitchen), we set off for the in-laws’. Despite a huge traffic jam on the Interstate, we made it there smiling.

Because everything seemed like a blessing. Everything. The Nerds? Foxxi’s Christmas miracle. (Manna from the sky.) The traffic jam? More time to knit and talk.

And of course we had fun with all the siblings and little ones and their commotion and noise.

My holiday pictures are here. If you look carefully you can see what Santa and various helpers brought for me. The only thing that isn’t in a photo, I think, is my Buddha charm. (Thanks, Moon!) And now, back to our regularly scheduled chaos. ;)

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