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deja vu

The stuffy nose. The sore throat. The inability to sleep. The chills. It all came back again yesterday. Somehow I still dragged myself to Lessons & Music, but I was really just taking up space. I couldn’t sing anything above a middle G.

Last night I curled up on the sofa, and watched old Mystery Science Theater 3000 tapes with the kids. I shivered under several blankets and a fleecy cap, but at least the tapes were distracting. More than 10 years ago, Comedy Central had a “turkey day” (ha ha) where they showed 30 straight hours of MST3000. Back then we had free cable (because SpiritMan worked for a cable company) so we recorded several tapes’ worth of the festivities.

The kids have now discovered the joy and hilarity of Cambot! Gypsy! Tom Servo! Crooooooowwww!

Today I stayed home from work and slept. Later I started another scarf. This one’s for Peter.