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happy thanksgiving!

Ack! Ack! Ack! How could it be after midnight already? I had a massage, knitted, watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with the kids, boiled sweet potatoes and checked my email. There is way too much to do in the morning for me to be lollygagging on the computer.

When was the last time you heard anyone say, “lollygagging”?

I’m actually looking forward to the day, though. My parents are joining us for tofurky, and my mom’s bringing chocolate pie. Pete and I are going to make a pumpkin pie (oh, we baked the pumpkin tonight, too), candied sweet potatoes and garlic mashed potatoes. We’ll also heat up some frozen green beans from the summer’s produce stash. The tofurky is the easiest part — just throw it in the oven and heat up the gravy.

Oh, the pictures I’ll take.

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