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wednesday morning

Some random thoughts.

  1. I was so sleepy last night that I was actually in bed by 11 pm. Thus I was out of bed and awake before 7 this morning. Maybe I’m transforming into a morning person!
  2. The Northern Lights were visible Sunday night, did I mention that? I totally saw them. They flicker. It was one of the coolest things ever, almost as cool as seeing a real live tornado but less life-threatening.
  3. Peter had massive fits yesterday morning because I had washed his waffle-weave shirts and they weren’t dry in time for school. Later he thought it was hilarious that they were called “waffle” shirts. One thing about him … he doesn’t bury his feelings. He emotes, and he’s done. (He won’t get ulcers, he’ll give ‘em.)

My new-used eBay laptop is coming today! At least that’s what the UPS tracking service says.

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