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happy halloween

Big boots
Originally uploaded by me.

Well, Halloween 2004 is history. Moon announced that she probably won’t trick-or-treat next year, as the party she went to last night was much more fun that walking from house to house asking for candy. Of course, she was up all night and didn’t have so much energy today.

Turbo and his friend threw together last-minute ensembles just so they could do the candy thing. Pete also bought way more candy than we needed for the trick-or-treaters. I baked cutout cookies and oatmeal peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, so we have a scarily abundant supply of sugary goodness in our kitchen right now.

I managed to work out this evening, but I’m not sure it’ll make up for all the Tootsie Rolls the kids gave to me. (They know TRs are my favorite. Aren’t they generous?)

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