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fall back

Yeah, I’m still up, but hey… I’m gaining an hour tonight. Woo! Moon is staying over at Nicole’s house. (Birthday/Halloween party.) She wore her costume, which was completed this afternoon when we pushed our way through the throngs at Party City and purchased a pair of vampire teeth. Yesterday we went to the Homestead to pick up her black trenchcoat. Thank goodness for grammas who can sew and are willing to hem things for their grandkids.

While we were there, we talked knitting. I left with two pounds of dark green yarn and lots of encouragement. Pete’s mom is a needlework whiz. Now that I’ve made some feeble attempts of my own, I’m even more awestruck.

On the way home, we stopped at Hot Topic to look at boots. Moon ended up with a pair of chunky black boots with silver skulls on the buckles. “They’re kinda dressy,” she said. “Hey, I can wear them for graduation.” She’ll be all ready for those high school dances next year.

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