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creeping crub

Saturday night I felt it coming on. I chain-consumed cough drops during the Madison Symphony Orchestra concert. Then on Sunday, I couldn’t sing and didn’t think I’d last through the service–so I went home to prepare for our trip to the Homestead for October birthdays.

Although I did my best to have fun (more about that later), I spent a good deal of the afternoon curled up under an afghan, trying to get warm. The chills continued after we went home, so I hit the sack at a record 7:30 p.m.

Somehow I made it to work this morning, albeit a half hour late. I went for a chai tea latte rather than my usual coffee, thinking it would help my throat. I may leave early this afternoon, because I feel a little guilty shaking hands with the people who come in. (I’ve been coughing into Kleenex. Does that help?)

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