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up and at ‘em

I’m definitely feeling more chipper than usual this morning. A good part of it, I think, is a happy accident. See, I ran out of my OCD meds over the weekend… so I took a half dose on Friday and Saturday, and none at all on Sunday.

And it seems to be taking away my morning sluggishness, even if it’s just my imagination. So I’m cutting back to the half dose for the long run. I’ll let you know if any undue anxiety crops up.

My hair took two hours last night. But the streaks, they were worth it because I don’t have the ugly two inches of dark roots anymore. Impulsively, I asked for a shorter cut and got it. It feels good, and I hope it looks good. (I’m still unsure.)

As for Xanthe, I’ll try to post about that where it belongs.

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