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i’m so hot–but you knew that about me

Weather really does affect my moods. But I’m a little backward. Somehow, winter doesn’t bother me so much. February can be a bit of a drag, but I don’t get overly depressed about it.

On the other hand, summer gets me down. I don’t always realize that heat and humidity are impacting the way I feel–but the mental lift I feel when the thermometer tops out at 65 degrees is a real jolt.

I’ve been suffering this week, because it’s been 80 degrees and humid. It finally rained yesterday, bringing blessed relief. (Am I complaining too much? I know some people are dealing with hurricanes, and I wouldn’t want to trade places.)

Anyway, the fog in my brain has lifted a bit, and (dare I say?) my energy is returning. Tonight I tackled the refrigerator and blanched some more of our farm veggies. Our CSA box overfloweth. The house is a mess, but it doesn’t feel as overwhelming as it did a week ago. I’ve got plans.