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mighty short friday

Pete developed a migraine during his run this morning. The rest of us tried to be quiet for him, but the kids were on their own once I left for lunch with Carrie. We went to Imperial Garden (a favorite!) and she treated me for my (belated) birthday. It was awesome to have a chance to catch up.

This afternoon I meant to start going through garage sale stuff, but instead I napped and messed around on the computer. Pete started feeling better, so we decided to go see Moon’s bass teacher’s band play at Cheeseburger in Paradise. It was quite the anthropological study. Peter was very excited to be there at first, but soon the noise was too much for him. I think Moon enjoyed the energy and the people-watching as much as I did. We stayed for the first set, which was about an hour and 45 minutes.

There was something strangely carefree about the whole experience. Which tells you I don’t get out much.

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