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Archive for knit/crochet

aptly named armwarmers

Kureyon armwarmers
Originally uploaded by me.

I finished my Hurry Up Spring Armwarmers on Tuesday, and I just love ‘em. They’re perfect for protecting my hands from the freezing cold steering wheel in the morning. I’ve already had quite a few compliments, and even a request to buy a pair. I may do it, because it was kind of sad finishing the pattern after having learned it and all. First, though, I have to finish Fuzzyfeet #4 – I finished one slipper while watching “Top Gun” with the kids tonight, and cast on the second. Now for some weekend knitting.

classy lady

A better scarf model
A better scarf model
Originally uploaded by me.

Foxxi makes a darned attractive model for my mom’s scarf. I finished it a few days ago, and I’m mailing today because it’s my day off! Fridays rock! I’ve already been to the yarn store/coffee shop and Starbucks, and I put in my time at the gym. It’s sunny outside (although it’s only 15 degrees) so the little missy in the picture will probably be rewarded with a walk to the park.

more fuzzyfeet!

Fuzzyfeet for Sis#1
Fuzzyfeet for Sis#1
Originally uploaded by me.

I feel like less of a slacker when I can post a picture of a FO. Actually, I took the picture a few days ago, right before mailing the Fuzzyfeet off to Sister #1. They arrived today, so now I can reveal them to the world.

In other knitting news, I’ve cast on for the Hurry Up Spring Armwarmers from Stitch ‘n Bitch Nation. Also, my ubercute sushi knitting bag isn’t working out too well in this weather, so I’ve put it aside until the slush subsides. It has to work as my purse, which means exposure to the elements. In the meantime, I’ve dug out my old Timbuk2 bag. I’m such a bagaholic.

knitalong dropout

So, in my enthusiasm I joined not one, but two knitalongs (also known as KALs). First I signed up for a Think Pink KAL, with lofty plans to make a pair of hot pink socks using a toe-up pattern and the magic loop method. Then one of the Pink ladies posted about a First Time Sock Knitters KAL, and I was right there. Two birds, and all that.

Anyway, I had bought 40″ size 1 Addi Turbos and a lovely ball of Opal sock yarn. I cast on twice. The first time I didn’t trust the directions and ended up all turned around… frog time. The second time seemed to be going well, but I started stressing about the tiny needles and the fact that I couldn’t keep equal numbers of stitches on them. Fact is, I only had about a square inch of knitting done, and wrestling the cable didn’t seem any easier than wrestling the porcupine (otherwise known as double-pointed needles).

So I took a deep breath and frogged again. I’ve put away the project for a while, to heck with keeping up with everyone. Either I’ll come up with an alternative pink project, or I’ll get some bigger DPNs. (Like size 3.)

I feel like a slacker.

making progress

More Fuzzyfeet
Originally uploaded by me.

I’m halfway done with Sister #1’s Fuzzyfeet, yay! The Campus had an exhibit booth at expos last Thursday and today, and both times I was able to knit on the sly. On Thursday, I ended up teaching another exhibitor how to cast on. Today I attracted a fellow knitter as soon as I whipped out my project. People are really interested in Fuzzyfeet.

Fuzzy Feet V. 2

In keeping with that theme, here’s Peter wearing his newly felted pair (they were still damp, but he slept in them anyway).

Today’s mail included my highly anticipated new bag. *cue Hallelujah Chorus*

Despite all the knitting goodness, I had a mentally exhausting evening. Which I’ll write about tomorrow Friday. Thank goodness for knitting, and for time spent catching up with my faboo counterpart.

the aliens have landed

My scarf!
Originally uploaded by me.

Finally finished the scarf last night, while watching SNL. This was my first time doing fringe… fringe is fun! Now I’m starting Fuzzy Feet for Peter and Sis #1. (His will be first, because his feet are smaller.) Then I’ll be doing a foofy scarf for my mom, and then socks. I can’t wait to learn to make socks.

In other news, Pete’s new computer (Mac G5) arrived and is being set up. We bought an Airport card for it yesterday, and he also has a mess of sound equipment to hook up. I wish I could say it’s going perfectly smoothly, but there have been a few snafus. We’re also still waiting for our basement window to be replaced, which means we can continue putting off tackling the pile o’ crap in the back for a little while longer.

the aliens are coming

Now you see him…

Originally uploaded by me.

Between the toilet overflowing (we got to use the auger again!) and various activities in preparation for tonight’s snowstorm, I finished one section of my alien scarf and one of Moon’s armwarmers.

The kids were off school early, so Peter and I went to the video rental place, Borders and Starbucks’ drive-through. Pete did the grocery shopping this evening (before the toilet debacle) and nearly got stuck in a snowdrift trying to get up our driveway. But at least we have plenty of snacks for the weekend. I may even bake cookies.

shake yo’ booties!

For Nephew #2b
Originally uploaded by me.

Yep, another finished project. This is for Nephew #2b, who is being baptized this weekend. I’m definitely improving – especially with the whole double-pointed needle thing – but my hands do get a little sore when I’m working with smaller stitches.

Luckily, I’ve had the pleasure of getting a massage at least once a week so far in 2005. Today the student therapist worked on my hands and shoulders. Gotta be able to get my knit on.

finishing touches

Felted slippers
Originally uploaded by me.

I finished my Fuzzy Feet, but they are slow to felt. This is what they look like after being run through the washer twice. I may try again later on, but for now I just want to wear them.

Of course, Peter wants me to make him a pair. Not pink ones, though.

Pete and I decided to make samosas and pie this evening. (No, I didn’t make it to the gym today.)

big feet, big boots

Slipper from the side
Originally uploaded by me.

The kids and I watched the final two episodes of BtVS as I finished knitting this slipper. With this project, I learned about short rows, picking up stitches, ssk, and double-pointed needles. I also got to do a three-needle bind-off for the second time.

It’ll be funny to see if slipper #2 turns out a whole lot better than slipper #1. The great thing about felting is that it hides mistakes so well. I can’t wait to wear these – assuming they fit.

blythe and knitting – i’m in heaven

Considering the weather
Originally uploaded by me.

Okay, I wasn’t going to post another knitting picture so soon, but I can’t help myself. I’ve actually started yet another new project, and working with wool on size 10.5 needles is sooo much nicer than acrylic on size 0 needles. Not that I won’t be making more doll stuff, because I will.

I’m happy to report that the snow is still here. No rain yet. On Sunday, we went frolicking as a family to the neighborhood park, where we chuckled at Foxxi’s antics and watched Peter roll around on the ground.

Oh, and the basement isn’t quite done. We decided to hold off on bringing out all the electronic stuff because there’s still a bit of wood trim that needs trimming. I’m not unhappy about this, because I’m still in denial about the clutter that awaits us.

love affair with denise

I mean, with my brand-new Denise Interchangeable Knitting Needles. Oh-my-freaking-God are they ever wonderful. I read about them on, and I’ve been watching them on eBay ever since. Except my need for immediate gratification got the best of me, and I discovered that Lakeside Fibers had them in stock. Right there in the store! Three sets!

I probably could have saved $5 buying them on eBay, but then I wouldn’t be telling you how incredibly wonderful they are. Instead, I talked Pete into picking them up for me on his way back from taking Moon to get her hair streaked. What a guy! What needles! *swoon*

Now all I need is lots of incredible natural fiber yarn so I can make all the cool projects I’m coveting out of my new books.

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