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race for the cure

Waking up at 6:30 yesterday wasn’t as difficult as I had expected. I walked over to Patti’s apartment, where she and her daughter-in-law were waiting for me. We put on our race t-shirts, and I marveled at how cute Patti looked in her short wig-with-attached-headband. She had several pink ribbon pins on the headband, and perfect makeup as always.

We met two other people at the race site (both ex-co-workers of mine), and Patti participated in the group survivor photo. It was moving to see all the survivors, and to read all the names people had attached to their backs – In Memory of… or In Celebration of…

The walk itself was gorgeous. Sunny, clear day, and a path along the water. Some of the residents came outside and cheered the walkers as we passed. Patti is hoping that we’ll all get together and participate every year. I’m all for that – it was very uplifting, and I think it was good for her. She’s done with chemo, but still going through radiation.

During lunch afterwards, I mentioned how I’d basically rolled out of bed and pulled on my clothes. Patti said that she wishes all her primping were optional. She’s never been the no-makeup type, but now she has to get the wig looking natural, paint on her eyebrows and get some color on the stubs of her eyelashes. It’s not vanity, it’s wanting to blend in.

She is fighting the good fight. Her attitude is tremendous. It’s what she has to do, and I’m proud of her.